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Frequently asked questions

This new system is called MicroAcupuncture 48 because it utilizes only a small number of points. With 12 points on each hand and each foot (48 total), we are able to see great results for conditions affecting the eyes and brain as well as other conditions related to deep blood circulation. This system is different in that the practitioner is able to treat patients several times a day and can actually bring better results than if the patient is treated once a week or once a day. The positive results come from being able to get the circulation moving deep into the tissue over and over throughout the day before it has a chance to return to what is familiar. A patient can start showing results within a couple of days if they follow this protocol.

Most of the needles are placed in the bottoms of the feet and the palms of the hands. There is also usually two needles in each eyebrow area, usually with gentle stimulation from electricity.

Yes, Acupuncture is safe when practiced by a qualified practitioner licensed by the state and certified by the national certification commission (NCCAOM). All our practitioners are licensed and nationally certified. In addition, all needles are one-time use, disposable needles. Our acupuncturists are licensed by the State of Colorado and certified by the NCCAOM. We have treated thousands of patients and never had anyone leave displeased.
The needles we use are hair thin and they go between skin cells, so no tissue is harmed. For the most part, Acupuncture does not hurt, although any needles inserted in the hands and feet can be tender
Observation of the visual field scans and visual acuity tests we do usually reveal improvement within the first few days, or after seven or eight treatments. However, much depends on where the improvement occurs on the retina and/or the optical nerve. For macular degeneration, Stargardt’s, and rod/cone dystrophy patients who have lost central vision, it may take more time for them to experience a significant improvement. The reason for this is that even in cases where there is improvement, the patient may not observe the benefits until the blind spot in the central vision shrinks enough for them to have regained some central vision. Think of it this way: if the visual field scan shows a blind spot the size of a quarter and after a week of treatment the spot shrinks to the size of a dime, the patient still doesn’t have central vision. Using the visual field scan for testing and determining changes in vision helps the patient to see that things are changing for the better before they are able to experience the benefits. Although most patients will see some benefit, they still won’t be able to read, for instance, until the blind spot right in the center of the visual field shrinks further. For Uveitis, Retinitis Pigmentosa and Glaucoma patients, the results are more apparent in cases where patients still retain central vision

Most clients come for maintenance treatments or follow our at-home guidance to insure that their visual improvements don’t “back-slide” or revert. We have special 3,6 and 12 month treatment options that encourage and allow continued benefits to take hold in the eyes and prevent any negative processes to appear

No, our practitioners are trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) so we treat most normal conditions effected by this modality. Pain is the condition most commonly associated with Acupuncture treatment. However, the strength of Oriental Medicine is its ability to help people suffering from chronic, enduring diseases such as those causing arthritis, hormone issues, neurological, lung and heart problems; “exterior” syndromes including colds, the flu, urinary tract infections, digestive disorders, and more. Conditions relating to all systems of the body can be helped to some degree. When treating chronic, enduring diseases, we encourage the use of Chinese herbal prescriptions. These herbal formulas work like Acupuncture, working energetically to bring balance to the whole body, but they are taken at home when the client is not receiving acupuncture treatments. So they enhance and elongate the benefits of the acupuncture treatments.

Definitely, however we are bound by HIPPA. Once we have everyone’s permission and have signed waivers we can connect you with patients who have received treatment for eye conditions similar to yours who can share their positive experience with you. Please call our office and we can provide you the information.
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