how much better can your vision be?

Book a free call to find out if our 10-Day Vision Restoration Program is right for you!

natural medicine for your eyes

Enhance your vision

You may have been told that your eyes aren’t able to heal. That may be true, but we have a process that accelerates the healing potential of your eyes. In other words, we stimulate the eyes to enter repair phase using a balanced mind, body, spirit approach. We show clients like you how to make small changes to their daily routines, with their foods, their movements, and with vision-healing treatments that move the body slowly from a neutral state to a very healthy, healing phase of your life. In 85% of the cases we are able to improve or stabilize the visual health of the eyes. We work with clients for 3, 6, or 12 months to make sure that the changes they have made become habits, in other words we are here for you as long as you require assistance. Whatever we can do to help you regain your vision, and retain the improvements, we are going to do for you! Now its time for you to act. Set up an initial consultation to find out if acupuncture for your eyes will work for you, and begin the path to restoring your vision right now!

our process

3 Steps To Enhance Your Vision

We are thrilled that you have taken the first step toward better vision!  The next step is to apply to become a client.  We cannot accept all of the patients who need our services, because we only work with those who have an extremely high chance of success.  We have done this for long enough that we can tell which patients will respond well and which won’t.  Once you have submitted your application a team-member will reach out to set up an exploratory call with you to discuss options for your vision renewal.  If you are accepted as a client you may come to Longmont, CO. or opt for the remote healing option. 


We'll talk about your vision concerns and explore their root causes. We'll also look at environmental factors that may have contributed to your issues. This way, we can develop a care plan tailored to your specific needs and help you regain optimal vision health. Let's work together to find the best path forward.


Our clinic provides personalized care plans tailored to each patient's goals and lifestyle. We value collaboration and teamwork between our healthcare professionals and patients to achieve excellent results. Our focus is always on our patients' best interests, whether they're recovering from an injury or managing a chronic condition.


Treatment benefits extend beyond active treatment. You'll gain knowledge and skills to maintain and improve vision and health. Our experts educate on best practices to keep vision strong. We guide you in maintaining gains and provide necessary tools for a healthy lifestyle. Enjoy a lifetime of optimal vision and good health with our guidance and support.

Holistic Eye Care | Mountain scape

our services

3 Month Vision Alignment

Begin to repair vision!.

6 month Vision Attunement

Strengthen the Gains!

12 month Lifetime Sight

Get set to lock in any benefits!

benefits to your vision

Results vary from patient to patient, some see results in their vision immediately, while for some it takes more time.  Approximately 85% of patients see measurable improvement within the first series of 10 treatments.  This means that only 15% do not respond to treatment.

Holistic eye Care | Restore your vison

vision restoration

If you are concerned about your vision we have 2 options:

A 10-day Vision Restoration Intensive Program conducted here in Longmont, CO, or an At-Home Vision Restoration Program.

Both are designed to achieve improvements in your vision as the primary goal. One is short and intense and the other is longer and you can do in the comfort of your own home. We did this to make our program accessible to as many people as possible. Whichever treatment method you choose, we will design a customized solution for your particular vision challenges so that your vision improves quickly and permanently. The benefits to you are better vision so that you can enjoy your life, and the confidence of knowing you have a team behind you in the future if any questions or concerns arise. That sounds pretty appealing, doesn’t it?

How Quickly Can You See Results?

Your body is amazing in its capacity to regenerate. The cells in the back of the eye are broken down and regenerate every 2 days! So both positive and negative changes in vision can happen rapidly.

Our eyes are continually rebuilding and repairing cells that have become dormant or damaged. These cells require fresh blood to bring nutrients for repair and also to remove old tissue, waste and debris. This goes for all areas of the body. If circulation is limited then the area will deteriorate, just like an limb will atrophy if it is not used.

For some individuals the body cannot keep up with the level of damage in the eyes because the blood vessels are very small and they can get blocked or damaged.

This is the case with all degenerative eye conditions. The circulation of blood is limited so the repair mechanisms in the eyes cannot keep up with healing all the old and damaged cells.

Your treatment plan may include treatments twice per day to accelerate the turnover in new cells and you may see improvement in as little as 2 days.

How Do You Know It Will Work For You?

We don’t know right now if this is the right fit for you and your situation.We have worked with many people from all walks of life and we can make this work for 85% of our clients if they can commit 100% to themselves. The question is…are you ready to commit yourself to changing your vision? If the answer is YES!, then we need to determine if you are a good fit for our program, and the best way to do that is to schedule a call. We will walk you through how we get such amazing results for our clients and how much your life can change: your energy, your libido, your confidence and above all your VISION! Let’s get started on the journey together and see how much better your life can be!

blue eye photo

How you will benefit

Your mindset

We will address the lifestyle choices that led you to this place, and how to unwind them.

your physical body

Using cutting-edge medicine we will improve your physical body and your vision.

your spirit

We will use the power of your spirit to make lasting changes to you, your eyes and your entire life.

how do you get started?

After we have an introductory call to determine if our Program will help you then we pick an option that works for your lifestyle and your schedule.  Some patients can invest 10 days in sunny Longmont, CO to do a Vision Restoration Intensive.

However, if you cannot travel, the At-Home Vision Restoration Program is perfect for you. After you pick an option that works for you, we get you scheduled and send out your Vision Healing Package.

When you receive your Healing Package, the work begin. 80% of our clients remain in touch with us and either come for maintenance or take classes and remain involved with our online community. Either way, we will always be available for you so that you never feel like you’re alone on your path.

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